Sunshine Blogger Award


My first one people and in true form and fashion, I have a speech prepared! Ahem ahem,

“Oh wow! Where do I begin? Well, first and foremost, I’d like to thank my…”


…tumbleweed awkwardness…

But honestly, I am genuinely honoured to be recognised at all! When I read the Sunshine Blogger Award is “given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community”  I was moved to think my ramblings may have done something remotely akin to that. So, to Jenna over at Bookmark Your Thoughts, thank you for the love & light- I tip my tiny hat to you =)

I must confess however that as it is my first badge of honour I’ve no idea what a “pingback” is or how to create one other than allowing my common sense to dictate it must be the link I just added above? If this is not the case, please do feel free to blame my not-so-common sense rather than my novice self (on this occasion at least).


  1. Thank the person/persons that nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator has given you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  4. List the rules and display the award.

Jenna’s Questions:

1. What made you want to start a book blog?
Knowing I felt like millions of other people. There are no bells and whistles really; I love books, I love language, I love imagination, I love different worlds and I love life BUT I don’t have the time I wish I had to love each of these as much as I’d like (or love?). Maybe one of us might make the Big-Time, but together, we are millions of tiny great times 😉

2. Tell us one thing about yourself that you probably haven’t shared in your posts.
I’m a World Literature Today subscriber and haven’t read a single article…not-a-one! I’m so ashamed of this folks, I really am. It’s been a year so I’m quite literally without excuse.

3. Name three books releasing this year that you’re most excited for.
An impossible one to answer but I’m actually in the Netgalley biz and I’ve got a few on my TBR list there that I’m really excited to get around to so I suppose if I HAD to choose-

The Adults, Caroline Hulse,
Entangled Lives, Imran Omar, and,
A Shot in the Dark, Lynne Truss.
4. Name three movies releasing this year that you’re most excited for.

Honestly, I can’t really say. I’m not a huge movie buff and I’m still waiting to go see that movie, the one with that guy, the tall one, with the lady in know the one I’m talking about? Yeah, that one.

5. Shout out three bloggers you’ve recently started following.

The Bookworm Drinketh , Book-Em, Jan O , and, Perpetual Fangirl

6. What’s your favourite read of 2018 so far?
Oh goodness, I am currently reading Bleak House which I know is a classic and not a brand new 2018, but on a recent recommendation from Fledgling Press via twitter, I started it and am engrossed! #Dickens!

7. Rewatching movies and TV shows: Yes or no?
100%, without a doubt, hands down, no question, YES, every time. Yup, even that time!

8. What’s your spirit animal?
Horse. I already have the hind legs.

9. Name two pointers you have for book bloggers in regards to writing reviews.
Be honest and be open. If you’re just going to puppet the mainstream to be part of the fold there’s no point in your review. Likewise, if you’re not open to ideas, criticism or discussion, there’s no point in sharing your views because that’s all they’ll ever be, the view according to you. Nobody can relate to that. It’s okay to be you just it’s okay to consider a difference of opinion.

10. Introvert | Ambivert | Extrovert: which best describes you?
An Ambi most definitely. I love to guffaw with a real eclectic mix of the people of Tiny Wood, but I like to know I still have me all to myself when I need me.

11. Name one thing you are grateful for.
Hmmm…this is a toughie…If I had to pick just one, it would most likely be my faith. Contrary to popular belief (pun totally intended), having faith frees me from any contention, hatred, worry or loneliness. I mean, of course, I hate parsley, I’m not an animal! But other than that, I know I’ll always find my way back if I ever get lost.


I nominate Bookish in Bed / Beautifully Books / Excuse My Reading / Little Miss No Sleep / Nonchalant Diva  / Ashley in Wonderland Library Girl & Book Boy  / The Cozy Home Chronicles / The Orangutan Librarian  / The Story Reading Ape  / Reading Under the Blankie

  1. What makes a good blog post?
  2. Are you a randomly inspired or a scheduled blogger?
  3. Grass or Sand?
  4. Comedy or Thriller?
  5. Who was your first blog follower?
  6. Did you have a childhood hero?
  7. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
  8. What’s the best blog post you’ve read recently?
  9. Emily or Charlotte Brontë?
  10. Who would you most like to inspire with your blog?
  11. Who’d be your celebrity dream follower?



12 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thanks so much for nominating me!!!

    I have done this before, but will answer your questions quickly here

    What makes a good blog post? – The joy of writing it!

    Are you a randomly inspired or a scheduled blogger? – Random 🙂

    Grass or Sand? – grass

    Comedy or Thriller? -thriller!

    Who was your first blog follower? – my friend Umut

    Did you have a childhood hero? – Ninja Turtles 😀

    Is a hot dog a sandwich? – yes

    What’s the best blog post you’ve read recently? – this post from norrie:

    Emily or Charlotte Brontë? Emily.

    Who would you most like to inspire with your blog? Myself 🙂

    Who’d be your celebrity dream follower? Margaret Atwood

    Liked by 1 person

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